Monday 1 September 2014

2. Loan/Grant Refund Procedures

Latar Belakang (Background)
 1.    Amanat Peraturan Perundang-undangan:
a.  Pasal 80 Ayat (2) Peraturan Pemerintah No. 10 / 2011
b.  Pasal 9 PMK 151 Tahun 2011
 2.  Belum adanya ketentuan yang mengatur tentang penyediaan dan pengembalian dana sebagian atau seluruh pinjaman/hibah luar negeri kepada Lender/Donor
1.      Mandate from Regulations:
a. Clause 80 subsection (2) of  Government Regulation Number 10 / 2011
b.  Clause 9 Ministry of Finance Regulation Number 151 / 2011
 2.  There is no existing regulation manage provision and refund partially or all of loan/grant to the  Donor/Lender

Definisi (Definition):
  1. Pemberi Pinjaman (Lender) adalah Negara/Lembaga yang memberikan pinjaman ke Indonesia (Countries or Agencies which give loan to Indonesia).
  2. Pemberi Hibah (Grant) adalah Negara/Lembaga yang memberikan hibah ke Indonesia (Countries or Agencies which give loan to Indonesia).
  3. Nama Pinjaman/Hibah (Name of Loan/grant):
  • AusAID (Australia)
  • JICA (Japan)
  • IBRD (World Bank)
  • ADB (Asia)
  • IDB (Islamic Bank, usually from arabic countries)
  • KFW (German)

Pendahuluan dan Diskusi (Preface and Discussion)

Mechanism 1 (General Procedure):

Mechanism 2 (Ineligible Expenditure by Ministries):
In this case the refund caused by ineligible expenditure, it is caused by Ministries which use this fund using wrong procedure, this refund will be charged to the next year Ministry's budget allocation.

Mechanism 3 (Ineligible Expenditure by Local Government, Government Enterprise or the Third Party):
In this case the refund caused by ineligible expenditure, it is caused by Local Government, Government Enterprise or the Third Party which use this fund using wrong procedures, these refund will be charged directly.

 Mechanism 4 (Refund in case of  Balance Repayment after closing date):
As overall, ineligible expenditure caused by wrong procedure (wrong contract completion, corruption, ineligible documents, violate to government regulation), must be eliminated or minimally reduced in every loand/grant case because it can harm government finance moreover if the foreign exchange changes downward as result, government must allocate billion rupiahs every year to finance the refund.
Kesimpulan (Conclusion)

Executing Agency, Government Enterprise, and The Third Party Obligations:

  1. Secara rutin melakukan pengecekan setiap prosedur pada pinjaman/hibah luar negeri, apakah hal tersebut sudah sesuai dengan perjanjian PHLN dan Peraturan Pemerintah. (Routinely check every procedures on loan/grant process, whether they are appropriate to the agreement or to the government regulations) 
  2. Jangan menggunakan dana diluar peruntukannya apalagi melakukan korupsi (don't use the fund out of their destination moreover corrupt it).
  3. Gunakan dana secara bijaksana sesuai target pembangunan Indonesia (use the fund wisely appropriate to the target of indonesian development).
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